Monday, February 11, 2008

New Teleport Effect - Ch'i

Chinese new year is just over, and we've released a new effect during the season called Ch'i.
In traditional Chinese culture, QI (or CH'I) is believed to be part of every living thing that exists, as a kind of "life force" or "spiritual energy". (Extracted from wikipedia)

This is the beginning of a slew of new effects to be released soon. Hope you enjoy it! Available exclusively at the 'Isle Of Light'

Monday, February 4, 2008

New Year! New Island! New Stuff!

After lots of work and collaboration with Clary Craft, Opus Labs finally has a new home on our own island, in conjunction with Clary Craft; 'Isle Of Light'.

This is a special occasion, and will provide a platform for the launch of a new product line, decorative particles for your land. 3 New Products are now available on the isle :

Do drop by the 'Isle Of Light' @ to check out the new products, and there will be more to be released soon as well as some surprising collaboration with Clary Craft.